Beneficial Things that I'd Gotten From Reading Friend's Blog

Beneficial Things that I'd Gotten From Reading Friend's Blog

Tomie dePaola states that reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.

I completely agree with dePaola. Reading has million benefits that can enhance our knowledge. From reading, we can know many things that we haven’t know before.

When I read my friends’ blogs posts, I’d gotten many beneficial things. They wrote their review about several books. From their review, I could learn something that I’d never learned before. I also got many book recommendations from their blogs.

First, I read the review of Create Your Miracle book by Susie Beiler. I learned about how to make our own miracle. From this book, I learned that before we create our own miracle, we should know our selves first. If we know our selves, we can know what our purpose is.

Second, I read the review of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book by Stephen R. Covey. From this book, I learned that perception take the important role in our successful. So, it’s really necessary to keep open-minded and respect other people’s perceptions.

Third, I read the review of Motivating The Unmotivated book by Dr.Rham Lakhan Prasad. From this book, I learned that we should think positive to become successful. We should be motivated and do something without a fear.

Fourth, I read the review of Personal Confidence and Motivation book by Keine Notwendig. From this book, I learned that personal confident is necessary thing that we should have in our workplace. Without personal confident, we can't improve our job skills because we're afraid to take risk. We also should have personal motivation to motivate our selves.
Fifth, I read the review of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living book by Dale Carnegie. From this book, I learned that we don’t need to be worry for everything because worry isn't necessary. We should be brave and ready to face tomorrow.

The last, I read the review of Elon Musk: Tesla, Space X, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future book biography by Ashlee Vance. From this book, I learned from your review is we must have big dream and never give up to reach it even though all condition around us don't support us. This book also increases my knowledge about Musk, one of the best creators in this modern era.

All those book reviews had completely enhanced my knowledge. I could know many things that I’d never learned before. From their review, I also can increase my vocabulary. I could know much new vocabulary that I’d ever know before. I also could learn from their unique writing style, so I can enhance my writing style too. From reading their blogs, I got million beneficial things. It can conclude that reading is really advantageous for us. So, never stop reading if you want to become smart and increase your knowledge.

“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” – Mason Cooley

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